Course Description 

This comprehensive workshop is designed to help all teachers of AP Spanish Language and Culture, whether they are new to AP or have years of experience and are looking to refresh and refine their teaching. We will cover all aspects of the course and exam, from designing and planning the course to implementing and assessing instruction. We will explore the Course and Exam Description and provide guidance on how to design and pace the course. We will also cover the six themes of the course, the three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal and presentational), and the role of culture. We will explore sources for authentic materials, and place a special focus on AP Classroom and its many resources that can enhance our teaching. Sample classroom activities and materials will be provided, and participants will have multiple opportunities to work collaboratively and share best practices for developing student proficiency. In addition, we will develop thematic units that the participants can take and use in their classes.
Some specific topics that will be covered are:

  • How to sign up for the AP Audit
  • How to become a member of the AP Community
  • How to ensure equity and access for our students
  • How to develop vocabulary 
  • How to incorporate literature into the language course
  • How to develop cultural proficiency using the 3 Ps
  • How to most effectively use AP Classroom resources, such as AP Daily Videos, Personal Progress Checks and the AP Question Bank
  • How to apply the scoring guidelines to student samples of the free response questions

About the Presenter 

Kristin CamposKris Campos has been a Spanish teacher at Cedar Park High School in the suburbs of Austin, Texas since 2008, where she also serves as Department Chair for Languages other than English and Sponsor of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica. Prior to moving to Texas, she taught for 10 years at Topeka West High School in Topeka, Kansas. Kris has taught AP Spanish Language and Culture for 25 years, and has also taught all other levels of Spanish, from Spanish I through AP Spanish Literature. She has participated in the AP Reading since 2004, as a Reader, Table Leader, Sample Selector and most recently as Question Leader. In addition to serving as an AP Consultant and AP Mentor, Kris has also presented workshops at local conferences and served as a mentor for new AP teachers in her district. She received both her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Kansas State University.



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