Call for submissions is closed

Submissions are invited for breakout session papers (presentations or interactive workshops) addressing the conference theme, as well as for papers concerned with cultivating character in general.  Proposals will be peer-reviewed by committee. Final decisions will be communicated by email no later than July 22nd, 2023.

There will be space for presentations specifically focused on research as well as for those focused on practice in the domain of character development and/or character education.


General Information for submitting papers:

Individual breakout paper presentations will be 15 minutes in duration with 5 minutes for questions. Workshops will last for 20 minutes.  Topics submitted should be concerned with character development and/or education, including associated topics.  Accepted papers will be grouped together in breakout sessions by theme as far as possible.  All communication about paper submissions will be with the submitting author who is responsible for communicating with other presenters of that session.

All presenters are required to register for the conference.

Breakout session rooms will be equipped with a projection screen and projection table with electrical connections as well as an LCD projector and HDMI connection. If you need Apple connections, please bring an HDMI converter dongle for your device. All Session Rooms will have access to WiFi.