Did you take your class elsewhere and lack confidence about passing the exam on the first attempt? Have you already taken the exam and failed it? Give yourself the Alabama Advantage by using our study materials.
Note: The following study guides are the same books as the print book available with the Option 3 Course on the course registration page. They are also the same books as the digital versions that are provided in all of the courses. We have a No Return policy on the study guides; therefore, they are nonrefundable. Please allow seven business days for delivery.
Printed Material
Property & Casualty Insurance Exam Study Guide $85
This book’s chapters coincide with the Examination Outlines published by the State of Alabama Department of Insurance. Each chapter is summarized with a concise listing of key points. Each chapter also includes a practice test to help you monitor your comprehension of the materials. The text includes an easy-to-use informative glossary and a comprehensive final test designed by some of the editors who have worked on the real Alabama Insurance Licensing Exam.
Life & Health Insurance Exam Study Guide $85
This book’s chapters coincide with the Examination Outlines published by the State of Alabama Department of Insurance. Each chapter is summarized with a concise listing of key points. Each chapter also includes a practice test to help you monitor your comprehension of the materials. The text includes an easy-to-use informative glossary and a comprehensive final test designed by some of the editors who have worked on the real Alabama Insurance Licensing Exam.