Schedule at a Glance: DSW 2025

Please note that all times are in the Central time zone.


Time/Session Topic
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  Keynote Address: Dr. Carmen Reese Foster 
10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Break
Session Options (Choose One) 
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 1
 Equity in Health Care Session Presentations:

1A. Do you have that in Black? Considering Patient-Provider Racial Concordance in Social Work, a call to action
1B. Black Maternal Mortality: An Examination of Systemic Inequalities and Solutions for Equitable Maternal Care
1C. Taking on the Grand Challenge of Health Gap Closure: DSWs Working to Prevent Preventable Deaths
1D. Empowering Social Workers to Close the Health Gap: Advancing Perinatal Mental Health Education in Social Work Programs

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 2
Professional Development and Challenges Session Presentations:

2A. Breaking Barriers in Social Work Licensure: Challenges, Equity, and Reform. A Look at Alabama Licensure Processes and ASWB Examination.
2B. Sis, I Can Relate: Examining the Benefits of Impactful Relationships of African American Women in Clinical Supervision
2C. Leading Social Workers to Navigate the Uncharted Ethical Waters of Quiet Quitting
2D. Bridging the Gap: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for BIPOC Men in Social Work


10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 3
SW Education and Student Support Session Presentations:

3A. Empowering Generation Z in Social Work Education: Strengths-Based Strategies to Enhance Motivation, Attention, and Self-Belief
3B. Integrating Social Justice into the BSW Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities
3C. Gatekeeping in Social Work Education: How Students with Mental Health Needs are Impacted
3D. Community, Curiosity, and Fun: Educator and students share their unique journey of discovery from a masters level course on the DSM 5 TR

12:15 p.m. – 12:30 p.m Break
Session Options (Choose One) 
12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Oral Presentations 4
DSW Education and Leadership Session Presentations:

4A. A Scoping Review of Capstone Requirements for DSW Programs
4B. “Navigating the Publication Journey: A Guide for Early-Career Social Work Academics.”
4C. Preparing DSW students to become scholar-practitioner leaders of the future social work profession.
4D.Charting a Course for Connection: Strategies to Humanize Online DSW Education

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Oral Presentations 5
SW Education and Anti-Racism Session Presentations:

5A. Transforming Competencies in Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: A Relational-Cultural Theory Approach in Social Work Education and Continuing Education
5B. Cultivating Liberatory Classrooms: Strategies for Relational, Anti-racist Teaching in Social Work Education
5C. Preparing Social Workers to Address Racial Injury
5D. School social work and anti-racist practices

12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Oral Presentations 6
Presentations 6: Trauma-Informed Approaches Session Presentations:

6A. Healing Wounds in Cross-Cultural Therapy: An Integrative Approach for Adolescent Relational Trauma
6B. End Of Sentence (EOS)-Trauma Doesn’t Have to be Life Without Parole: Can incorporating trauma-informed care for incarcerated or formerly incarcerated individuals create pathways for healing and success?
6C. Social Workers’ Perspectives of the Effectiveness of EMDR in Telehealth for PTSD Patients
6D. Trauma Exposure: Are Social Workers Prepared?

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Poster Presentations and Oral Presentation Sessions 7-9
Poster Sessions: 

7A. How Do Child Protective Service (CPS) Policies Keep Employees Safe: A Caseworker’s Perspective
7B. Assessing Readiness for Practice Utilizing a Positive Intelligence Framework
7C. Menstrual Health Equity and Period Poverty: A Call to Action for Social Workers
7D. Addressing Mental and Behavioral Health Issues Among the Youth
7E. Bariatric Education and Wellness (B.E. Well): An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Based Postoperative Bariatric Psycho-Behavioral Intervention
7F. Changing the Narrative: Evaluating the Impact of an Age-Positive Training Program in Healthcare
7G. Navigating Health Service Utilization: Challenges Faced by Hispanic Immigrant Women
7H. Transformative Practice for a Changing World: An Ecosocial Work Curriculum for MSW Students
7I. Engaging Undocumented Parents in Their Children’s Educational Career Through Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts
7J. Social Workers’ Utilization of Wellness Plans to Reduce Readmissions
7K. Healing Wounds in Cross-Cultural Therapy: An Integrative Approach for Adolescent Relational Trauma
7L. Integrating Suicide-Specific Training in Social Work Education Programs
7M. Child Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders
7N. NeuroSpicy Leadership: Embracing Diverse Minds for Long-Term Success
7O. Human Trafficking Vulnerabilities among Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Trauma-Informed Approach
7P. Empowering Social Work Students for Leadership: Building Bridges Between Education and Practice
7Q.Recommendations for a Mission of Healing: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Principles, Military Values, and Gender-Responsive Strategies With Justice-Involved Female Veterans
7R. Wellness Base Approach to Treatment: Just Practice Framework
7S. Charting Progress: Measurement-Based Care for Leadership, Accountability, and Improved Outcomes
7T. Sexual Healing in Social Work Education
7U. Combatting Social Isolation in Uniform: Creating Connection with Design Thinking
7V. Framework Analysis: Integrating Illness Management and Recovery to Improve Employment Outcomes in Outpatient Mental Health Care
7W. Decreasing Barriers for Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluations In Children Under Three Years To Expedite Early Interventions
7X. Charting a course through stormy seas: let’s talk about secondary traumatic stress, compassion and empathy fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout.
7Y. Healing Together: Navigating Shared Trauma, Self-Care, and Supervision for QTPOC Clinicians



Session Options (Choose One) 
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Oral Presentations 7
LGBTQ+ and Gender Studies Session Presentations:

8A. Mental Health Outcomes for GBTQ Men: A Determinants Approach
8B. LGBTQIA+ Spaces: Moving Past Performative Allyship and Into Affirming Social Work Practices
8C. Building Inclusive Seminars: Centering the Needs of LGBTQIA+ Social Work Students
8D. Masculine Change Theory (MCT): A Framework for Transforming Masculinity in Social Work Education and Practice

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Oral Presentations 8 
Innovation in Practice Session Presentations:

9A. Piloting Equine- and Nature-Assisted Learning in Social Work Education: Advancing Non-Verbal, Experiential and Somatic Competencies
9B. Earth-Centered Theory: Challenge to Conceptualization of Environment and the Earth in Social Work
9C. Can Libraries Be Liberatory Spaces? Compassionate Crisis Intervention and Re-Imagining Security in the Public Library
9D. Enhancing Social Interaction, Inclusion, and Equity: The Role of Assistance Dogs and Addressing the Impact of Loss

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Oral Presentations 9
SW Education | Approaches to Teaching Social Justice Session Presentations:

10A. “Social Justice and the Role of Social Work Educators: Inspiring the Next Generation”
10B. Integrating Afrocentric Theatre and Storytelling into Social Work Education for Empowerment and Social Justice
10C. Professor-in-Environment: Ethics, Advocacy, and Anti-Racist Practices in Social Work Education
10D. Integrating Social Justice into the BSW Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities

Session Options (Choose One) 
3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 10
Expanding Access to MH Care Session Presentations:

11A. Call To Action: Addressing Black Male Suicide
11B. Unpacking the Layers: The Adultification of Black Girls and its Impact on Access to Education and Mental Health Services
11C. Supporting Staff and the Community Following Mass Tragedy
11D. Conceptualizing Substance Abuse Treatment for Those with Mild and Borderline Intellectual Disabilities

3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 11
SW Education- Wellness and Self-Care Approaches Session Presentations:

12A. Establishing A Foundation of Holistic Wellness: A Feasibility Study of Self-Care Practices & Self-Compassion Among BSW Practicum Students
12B. Prioritizing Innovative Self-Care in Social Work Education
12C. Gatekeeping in Social Work Education: How Students with Mental Health Needs are Impacted
12D. Upholding JEDI Practices by Applying Trauma-Informed Supervision in Social Work Practicum Education


3:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Oral Presentations 12
Cultural Competency and Service Session Presentations:

13A. This Ain’t Cupcake Island: Navigating False Hopes and Social Work’s Role with Undocumented Latinx Immigrants
13B. “Breaking Barriers: Tackling Cultural and Systemic Challenges in Latinx Mental Health Access”
13C. Colorless Care: The Role of Cultural Competence in Social Work
13D. The Role of Social Workers in Addressing Social Work Grand Challenges through Culturally Adaptive Parenting for Black Families