About the Conference

The Annual Fall Social Work Conference affords an opportunity to bring national speakers along with the latest research to child welfare practitioners in Alabama.  Through the Title IV-E partnership between the Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Higher Education Consortium on Child Welfare, The University of Alabama School of Social Work is able to host the conference every year focusing on a different aspect of public child welfare.

The many workshops will continue the discussion of issues related to child well-being as well as workforce well-being.  This conference is designed with the public child welfare workforce in mind but would be beneficial to anyone working with at-risk children and their families – school social workers, therapists, foster parents, child-placing agencies, just to name a few.


The 23rd Annual Fall Social Work Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham on October 10-11, 2024.


Early bird registration is now open! Early bird price to attend the conference is $175.00 ending September 25, 2024. After September 25, 2024 price to attend the conference is $225.00.


Rooms will be  available at Hyatt Regency Birmingham – The Wynfrey Hotel


Rate: $150.00 per night, plus 14% local taxes (subject to change)

Call for Proposals

23rd Annual Fall Social Work Conference Call for Proposals is CLOSED!

  • Please be prepared to submit presenter/co-presenter contact information, a brief biography, the proposed session title, a short description and at least one learning objective.


The 23rd Annual Fall Social Work Conference will offer approximately 9.5 contact hours.  The total amount will be confirmed when the agenda is finalized.

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