State of Alabama Insurance Testing Results
Your examination will be graded immediately upon submission. Please call the examination proctor to your computer to verify your score as soon as the exam results are displayed on your computer screen. If time allows, you will be given the opportunity to review the questions that you missed. 70 percent or more correct answers is considered a passing score. Passing standards as well as limitations on repeat examinations are determined by the State of Alabama Department of Insurance.
If You Pass:
If you pass the exam, you will be provided with instructions on how to complete the application process and receive your license.
After you pass, your grades will be reported within three to five days electronically to the State of Alabama Department of Insurance.
Effective April 1, 2015, individuals who live in Alabama and want to be licensed as Producers, Adjusters or Title Agents need to complete a fingerprint background check. Please read about the details of this background check and other requirements for the license on the Alabama Department of Insurance website.
Instructions for Obtaining Your License
After passing your exam, you must complete the Fingerprint background check. You should seek to get fingerprinted one day before applying for the license. Once you have completed the Fingerprint background check, visit the Alabama Department of Insurance website. Under Producers/Agents, click on apply for license, select producer (Individuals), scroll down to initial licensing process and click on online application. Complete the NIPR electronic resident licensing online application and submit Proof of Citizenship. Please allow three days for your grades to appear within NIPR.
After 5 days, check the Alabama Department of Insurance website to confirm license issuance. Under Producers/Agents click on licensee search and complete the form. Once your license is issued you may print your license from the home page.
If You Fail
If you do not pass the exam, you will need to schedule another exam attempt online; please keep in mind that all tests must be scheduled seven days in advance. You will also need to pay the registration fee again for every attempt. There are waiting periods specific to each attempt, please see below:
Attempt Number | Waiting Period |
Fail First Attempt | No Waiting Period |
Fail Second Attempt | Wait 90 Days |
Fail Third Attempt | No Waiting Period |
Fail Fourth Attempt | Wait 180 Days |
Fail Any Attempt After | Wait 180 Days Every Two Attempts |
The waiting periods described above expire 24 months after the date of the last failed examination.
Visit the Alabama Department of Insurance’s Limitations on Repeat Examinations page.
A registration and registration fee are required for each and every examination. If you fail your exam your fee is Non-Refundable, and a registration fee is required for each examination attempt. If you pass your exam your fee is also Non-Refundable. For additional information, review the State of Alabama, Department of Insurance Regulations, 482-1-151-.06 Independent Adjuster Examination, #5 Limitations on Repeat Examination.
Waiting Periods for Multiple Lines of Authority
Because some examinations cover multiple lines of authority, these waiting periods are applied to the different examinations as follows:
Life and Health exams:
- Life – If an examinee repeatedly fails the Life exam, the waiting periods apply to the Life exam and to the combined Life & Health exam.
- Health – If an examinee repeatedly fails the Health exam, the waiting periods apply to the Health exam and the combined Life & Health exam.
- Combined Life & Health – If an examinee repeatedly fails the combined Life & Health exam, the waiting periods apply to the Life exam, the Health exam, and the combined Life & Health exam.
Property and Casualty Exams:
- Property – If an examinee repeatedly fails the Property exam, the waiting periods apply to the Property exam, the Industrial Fire exam, the Personal Lines exam, and the combined Property & Casualty exam.
- Casualty – If an examinee repeatedly fails the Casualty exam, the waiting periods apply to the Casualty exam, the Automobile exam, the Personal Lines exam, and the combined Property & Casualty exam.
- Combined Property & Casualty – If an examinee repeatedly fails the combined Property & Casualty exam, the waiting periods apply to the Industrial Fire exam, the Automobile exam, the Personal Lines exam, the Property exam, the Casualty exam, and the combined Property & Casualty exam.
- Personal Lines – If an examinee repeatedly fails the Personal Lines exam, the waiting periods apply to the Industrial Fire exam, the Automobile exam, the Personal Lines exam, the Property exam, the Casualty exam, and the combined Property & Casualty exam.
Adjuster Exams:
- Property and Casualty including Workers’ Compensation and Crop
- Property and Casualty excluding Workers’ Compensation and Crop
- Workers’ Compensation
- Crop
An examinee who has twice failed the Life exam is prohibited from taking the Life exam and the Combined Life & Health exam for 90 days but could take the Health exam or any of the property and casualty exams or the Bail Bond exam.
An examinee who has twice failed the Property exam is prohibited from taking the Property exam, the Personal Lines exam, and the Combined Property & Casualty exam for 90 days, but could take the Casualty exam, the Bail Bond exam or any of the life and health exams.
An examinee who has twice failed the Personal Lines exam is prohibited from taking the Personal Lines exam, the Property exam, the Casualty exam, and the Combined Property & Casualty exam, but could take the Bail Bond exam or any of the life and health exams.
An examinee who has twice failed the Adjuster Property and Casualty Including Workers’ Compensation and Crop exam is prohibited from taking the Property and Casualty Excluding WC & Crop exam, the Workers’ Compensation exam and the Crop exam.